The Most Wonderful Time of the Year from!

THANK HALL VOLUNTEERS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON Although many hall volunteers cannot be paid, you may be able to reward them with gift cards: $25, $50 or $100. Halls can create incentive programs with the volunteers. Donā€™t hesitate to ask your local businesses for gifts you can use for prizes! Itā€™s great advertising for your local business owners!

SANTAā€™S WORKSHOP Turn the Hall into Santaā€™s workshop! Have staff dress up like elves and award players with merchandise or gift certificates. NEW YEAR COSMIC BINGO The Holidays are a perfect time to turn off the lights, turn on the black light and make the hall glow with color. Arrow offers a full-line of cosmic bingo paper and ink to host a cosmic bingo night. COLORFUL BINGO PAPER TO CELEBRATE THE SEASON Use Arrowā€™s colorful Capitol Barber Pole in festive red or green stripes along with Arrowā€™s licensed Looney Tunes bingo ink markers to enhance the holiday theme for the bingo halls. CHRISTMAS DONATION CENTER Create a holiday donation center at the bingo hall. Invite players to bring new or gently used coats, mittens, hats or can/boxed food items to receive a discount on bingo packages. Donate the clothing and food items to local shelters or churches. CHRISTMAS HALL PACKAGES Package an early bird special prize in a Christmas stocking (check your local dollar store) that includes Arrowā€™s Tear-Opens and Christmas theme ink. Add any additional gifts in the stocking such as discounts on concessions. CHRISTMAS COOKIE EXCHANGE Host a cookie exchange at the Hall by asking players to bring a dozen homemade cookies. HAT & MITTEN TREE Create a hat & mitten tree. Invite players to bring new hats & mittens to put on the tree for a special early bird discount, then donate the hats & mittens to those in need.